"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I really think like this, this is why I can't ask people for favours

I want what I want how I want it.
Other wise its not what I want,
Its how you want it.
So if you give what I want how you want it,
Then tell me to want what you want how you want it.
I don't want what I want anymore,
I'll only think if how you want what I don't want.
And how you want not to want what I want
Or not to want to give me what I want
... In the way that I want it.
And if finally you give me what I want how I want it.
I will only see that you didn't want it.
And that you made what I want no longer wanted.
And I would have lost the joy of being granted what is wanted,
how I want it.
So just give me what I want how I want it
or don't give it at all.