"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Morning comes unchanged
Yet, this awakening is somewhat short of identical
I dress, prepare
I go to leave but yield to this feeling of hypocrisy
Like a seal my conscience blocks me
The door submissive but my limbs retard me
This phenomenon seems strange but comes expectedly
It’s been simmering for some time now
Building for some time now
Ripe and Strong enough to expose my excuses for denial now
If I leave in my current condition, it will be against my values
Contrary to my better judgment
If I leave in my current condition I stand knowingly against the word of God
I will never be prepared to make this stance
Especially when I testify this word stands true
Everything rings out its meaning...
I open my eyes and witness this word
My ears receive and I hear this word
Fingers reach and I feel this word
My world is this word
What am I to refuse this word?
Simple folds of fabric fulfill my obligation of modesty
Difficult adjustments in character...
My never ending internal struggle
I vs. shytan vs. society vs. intentions
So many lies to cover one truth
Infinite choices, which one will I choose?