"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ode to Idealists

These days are mixed with honey and milk

Sugar, spice, and everything nice

Beware the of that which rears its ugly head

Spray it with perfume and drown it in flowers

Take heed; beware of what rears its ugly head

Don’t invest in ideals

His soldier’s heart is filled with fire

His words and actions speak of haste

Passions took him in its embrace

Come any who can compare

Still, with the heart he missed the head

Eagerness leads to tactlessness

Unlike what they desire

No time has he for slow spoken words

No room left for the allure of patience

No awareness of sensitivity

No steady hand needed to hold what’s delicate

Wild and untamable for he’s a young soul

Verily he’s green and gold

With dreams like spring

And eyes of babes

Reminiscent of when we were once innocent

Evoking remembrance of days long forgotten

Those days, those were mixed with honey and milk

Sugar and spice and everything nice