"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Imagine it with me...

When ever I dream of of jennah, I always picture a well tended romantic gardens with various tropical flowers and greenery. There would probably be fountains and little ponds and such. Somewhere close by would be one of my many mega mansions, modelled after some era's luxurious architecture.

Some times I would picture open fields of tall soft sweet smelling grass, located in a valley between mountains and rolling hills. In this field waft the smell of wild flowers and fresh water, there would be a tree under which I would find shade and various pleasures to pass the time.

Other times I would picture a tropical/deciduous/coniferous/bamboo forest thick and lush, rich with animal and plant life. It would have rivers gushing and rushing into waterfalls. It would have streams tumbling into cascades, and lakes so beautiful I'm forced to break.

But lately I dream of a city, my very own city. And people from all parts of jennah will hear of it and come to visit my city. A beautiful city containing the most excellent features of all the best of cities. Venice meets Paris meets Sarajevo meets Saint Petersburg meets Istanbul meets Rabat meets Tunis meets Beirut meets Damascus meets Jerusalem meets Medina meets Jennah. And yet it will be better than all of these; A prosperous, glorious city, the city of cities. My city in the kingdom of heaven.

May Allah swt join us together in this city, and make us inhabitants of Jennah,
