"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear God,

My condition is apparent to you.
Indeed you see what we conceal and what we reveal.
Forgive me and grant me an eternity in paradise.
An eternity I come nowhere near earning even if I had lived a thousand life times of righteousness.
How could I ever worship you enough, and you are the most glorified?
Have mercy on me and shower me with blessings in this life in the next,
Give me the khair of this life and the next.
Make me among your favoured slaves,
Love  me and increase me love for you,
Make me of those who have tawakil in your will,
Those who have taqwa and excel in patience.
Make me of those who are thankful and whose tongues are always wet from dhikr.
Make me a moon among the stars,
Of those who are honoured in the hereafter.
Make my grave comfortable and lofty and give me my good deeds as companionship.
Give me many righteous children who go out in the way of Allah,
And  make them a source of sadiqah jariyah.
Make me a weapon of the believers and your sword against the rebellious.
Of those who free the prisoners and reject injustice. 
Make me sincere and accept my repentance. Make hell fire harram for me and my family.
Above all, make me die in the state of Islam.