"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am finished with this life

I am finished with this life and its people

They are not of me and I am not of them

They are repulsed with me and I turned off of them

I tried to find my way in their way, instead found myself astray

They only take from me and scoff when I am in need

I will not deny their taking even though I know their greed

I only deny my need because I seek refugee from greed

Again and again I am humbled

Fooled by my reliance on man and earth

Foolishness that had me forget thankfulness

Depriving me of bounty meant for me

Enough already, I am finished with this life

I seek refugee from the evil in it

If I knew my place was secure I would end my bonds with this life

I have no such promise from my Lord

So I hold on and pray for ease in good deeds

Hasten the the acts of righteousness in hopes that they will overcome

So when the unseen are in plain sight I will be pleased

So insha'Allah I may be of those whose desires are fulfilled

Of those who are pleased with Allah as their lord

Of those privileged to hear that Allah is pleased with them