"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Masjids all over the world

Xian Masjid in China

Lovely sea side Masjid in Morocco

Masjid african style in Mali

The center of the Islamic world Masjid Al- Haram
with the Kaba(first building of worship constructed, ever) in the middle

The Prophets Masjid in Al Madina
Truely a piece of heaven on earth

Masjid in My city(canada)
Humbly beautiful

I love everything about Islam, and I would go to the masjid even if it were nothing but a humble shack, Insha'allah. Luckily I get to enjoy a gorgeous environment as well as replenish my soul. T