"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The straight path

Ihdina s-sirata l-mustaqim

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Here is where I spent my day

Earthly Paradise

Saturday, May 05, 2012


I resent you… and me
                            …And her and him
                                                             … And especially them!
For being here
                           … And doing this
                                                            ...Instead of there and that.
For feeling this
                            …And saying that
                                                            … Rather than that and this.
For every thing!
                             …For some things
                                                             … But mostly I feel nothing.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Once Friends, Now Strangers

Last time I felt like myself, I was with you on the south side.
Skipping rocks and picking conversation that would let us hide.
Exchanging ideas, trading stories, stealing glances, giving time
You would call me your sunshine but your smile was mine
You would sit with me for hours and never pay attention
It was enough for you that we were without pretension 

Last time I was myself, I was with you on the south side.
Before the worlds collided...and everything that implied 
We struggled with who would give in to survive
Rather than give up my heart, I opted for goodbye
Unintentionally leaving myself behind to adopt a foreign state of mind 
Leaving behind a friendship unconfined by a love undefined

Last time I knew myself, I was with you on the south side.
When your talks were enough for me to hide.
Giving, exchanging, trading, stealing from each other.
Under a cover, forsaking all except one another.
Now we tempt each other to find what we left behind.
But too many life times have passed to find.