"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I like where I am

I got a ways to go, this I know

Praise is to Allah, I’m finally content with where I am

God willing, I love where I’m going

May my future be brilliant

May my life be rich

May my family enjoy health and prosperity

Ask and you shall be given

So I begged for guidance

For Understand

Takwa, Iman, and purity of intention

Oh I’ve asked more than I’d provide

But the bountiful kept coming and taught me generosity

All glory is to Allah

Who softens hearts, gives guidance

Ive also asked for jenna

Only through Allahs mercy, Allah willing

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dawn is when Allah spoke...

Dawn is when Allah spoke to me
Ya Al-Latif
Told me soft and calmly
Took me gently
Dua, Ya Al-Hadi don’t let guidance be lost to me
Ya Ash-Shahid! Witness where once stood Lions of Allah
The deceived masquerade as sincere
Oh our tears! Swallowed up by the earth
Like scattered pearls below the surface
I dive deep to retrieve them
I dive 6ix feet too deep
Just in time for the Angel’s meet and greet
Ya Al-Mumit, Al-Ba’ith!
Protests and S.O.S’s won’t resurface me
O Remember…dawn is when Allah spoke to me
An-Nur…even my father says Biftun nuuf baritii!
And when it does it will be west of me
Dua, Ya Al-Ghafur don’t forget to remember me!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ode to Idealists

These days are mixed with honey and milk

Sugar, spice, and everything nice

Beware the of that which rears its ugly head

Spray it with perfume and drown it in flowers

Take heed; beware of what rears its ugly head

Don’t invest in ideals

His soldier’s heart is filled with fire

His words and actions speak of haste

Passions took him in its embrace

Come any who can compare

Still, with the heart he missed the head

Eagerness leads to tactlessness

Unlike what they desire

No time has he for slow spoken words

No room left for the allure of patience

No awareness of sensitivity

No steady hand needed to hold what’s delicate

Wild and untamable for he’s a young soul

Verily he’s green and gold

With dreams like spring

And eyes of babes

Reminiscent of when we were once innocent

Evoking remembrance of days long forgotten

Those days, those were mixed with honey and milk

Sugar and spice and everything nice

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Collection of Quran and Nasheed

Friday, August 03, 2007

Rage Agaisnt Man

Right now the veins in my head are pulsing with insurmountable pressure
I make anger feel like a cool summer breeze
My soul the eye of the storm sits still
A deafening silence consumes me
My heart rate slows and my face radiates darkness
I am no more and retain no control
My thoughts swirl in a violent funnel taking up all buried emotions
Emotions used as justification to unleash the wrath of God on those who raised this furry
Disturbing the sleeping dragon
I have the potential to be a lethal weapon if anything remotely dangerous is within arms reach
I am the unrelenting call of vengeance
I am the silent whispers of the devil
I am the angles of mountains crushing the transgressors
I am condemned and I will destroy myself to harm you
This will satisfy my desire for revenge
Right before it awakens my regret

Monday, July 16, 2007

Can You See What I See

The Beauty of a Muslimah is in clear sight for those with enough patience to gaze into the human soul...For those who use Islam to see....

For My Dignity

I just cant understand why ?
yea so what, I know it's cliche
I am just angry enough not to give a damn
Why do they hate me?
Why do they look at me with disdain in their hearts?
why do they return my smile with chuckles laced with hate?

Their eyes puncture mine
Will I ever see again?
Or will the memory of this evil forever screen everything I receive?
What about my presence has offended thee so much?
Making even the air around me intolerable
Hurling your insults at me and everything I hold dear
You think you're tearing me from my deen
You think you tarnish the name of my Prophet(saw)
Think again, think again O you who attack the servants of Allah(swt)!

I will never yield to you
I will never again be another made up barbie doll of pop culture
Slave to the desires of men!
May Allah scratch me out the day I choose to be the slave of man over the Slave of Allah(swt)!
Never again I promise thee

Even when i was a nothing better than a lost khuffar
They marginalized, stereotyped, and exploited me
I see women that look like me on hip hop videos
hoes and B's
To them a black woman was an exotic hoe and a B

At best from men that looked like me I was a shorty, a dime
A dime...my worth
OH! but according to Usher at best I could be a dollar worth a dime...OH yeah that's right a WHOLE DOLLAR! Yeeeeeaaaahhh!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Morning comes unchanged
Yet, this awakening is somewhat short of identical
I dress, prepare
I go to leave but yield to this feeling of hypocrisy
Like a seal my conscience blocks me
The door submissive but my limbs retard me
This phenomenon seems strange but comes expectedly
It’s been simmering for some time now
Building for some time now
Ripe and Strong enough to expose my excuses for denial now
If I leave in my current condition, it will be against my values
Contrary to my better judgment
If I leave in my current condition I stand knowingly against the word of God
I will never be prepared to make this stance
Especially when I testify this word stands true
Everything rings out its meaning...
I open my eyes and witness this word
My ears receive and I hear this word
Fingers reach and I feel this word
My world is this word
What am I to refuse this word?
Simple folds of fabric fulfill my obligation of modesty
Difficult adjustments in character...
My never ending internal struggle
I vs. shytan vs. society vs. intentions
So many lies to cover one truth
Infinite choices, which one will I choose?

Thursday, May 17, 2007


My soul is unsettled because my iman is weak
Since birth I’ve claimed the title Mo'min
Now it’s knowledge I seek
God is testing my faith when I discover myself in disarray
My mind is scrambled, my hearts a blaze, and my tongues unleashed
Unyielding emotions do my Ummah a disservice
For fear that my dawah, good intentioned, may lead potential followers astray
I will control things I say
What damage I have done, I must minimize
What my goods have overcome, I must legitimize
While being wary of trying to please the Khafir
They are not loved by Allah, so do not fear being ostracized
They can not harm my deen so I mustn’t antagonize
For only Allah (swt) safeguards
I know who ever searches truth will be guided and those with locked hearts pledge themselves to Iblise
Purity in intention can makes you a vessel
For Only Allah Leads
So I heed the words of a wise sheik and stay silent though my heart yearns to scream
Inshallah if I become learned my mind will warn me to be silent, and then is it my responsibility to speak!
Pray and seek guidance where guidance is given
In the pages of the Quran and in the song of the recited my heart is found
I am assured
What Grace, What Beauty!
Don’t be disturbed by my tears
I am lavishing in all the comforts this earthly world could not provide

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dua for a Lost Sister

While I was trying to escape from the distraction that kept me from studying for finals I found things that kept me focused on the future. When ever I see someone who is obviously following their deen properly I get self conscious and guilty. My big curls exposed for the world to see...and you know my shirt doesn’t quite cover me...then there are these jeans that could be made into a skirt. Ohh man...then I spots a nikabi and of course I feel even worse. Well my sisters aren’t doing anything to make me feel horrible; it's just that I see what I lack in them. I no longer desire to be part of the crowd and curse myself for looking like everyone else, blending in with the people unseen but also being seen too much. I shudder when someone complements my hair, as if they just spat in my face and shot an arrow through my heart. When I feel some one leering at me or my brothers and sisters looking perplexed at me when I enter the masalla...they didn’t know I was Muslim, they couldn’t tell. It's not important for me to SHOW that I’m a Muslim to others but it is important that I follow the word of Allah (SWT) and by doing that it's very difficult to blend into a crowd of rowdy University kids. Even though God is always watching I often forget until it's time for prayer or I spot someone that has remembrance of God in everything that they do. I am a tragic excuse for a Muslim and if I die today then I go to my grave with my record flawed. How did I even give Dahwah when I myself am in dire need for dahwah! My salat is lacking substance, my iman fluctuates too much, and my knowledge of Islam makes me an infant in Islam. Lower my gaze they say, guard your chastity they tell me, humble yourself they plead! All for my own good wallahi, yet I still find myself leering at attractive men OHH except this time at pious men… (Wow that’s a whole lot better!). I can’t even bring myself to the issue of all my male friends who I have known for years…and some not too long. Slowly I am beginning to understand my deen and I have come into a mind frame where I see all my faults and now I just have to implement changes. Wear humble clothing, limit my interaction with males (which means stop being such a flirt), gain knowledge of Islam, give charity, humble myself (I am way to cocky for being just a servant of Allah (swt)), have remembrance of God in everything that I do. If I do this…with the right intentions, then I am most definitely on my way…Inshallah.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The path to Allah

Here is some beautiful nasheed, enjoy! ^_^

We be Lost and Found

It’s kind of funny to look at your past when you have gone through a change. Thinking about the way you used to think, the way you used to act, what your biggest goals were, and how you lived your life. I remember how trapped I used to feel and how I wished I could destroy my life and myself into a pile of ashes and then rise out a beautiful fierce free phoenix, empowered. I was never a bad person; I was just lost in a sea of what I wished not to dissolve into. I needed something and I couldn’t quite grasp what it was. So I started my first year of University and I was definitely dressed the part in my denim shorts and black off the shoulder top. Yeah I looked good and I was excited and there were so many new people and so many new opportunities. After about a month the feeling of excitement wore off and I didn’t really like my new friends because they were not of my world and couldn’t understand me or my search. One day I saw an invitation in the form of a big poster board and a beautiful young woman wrapped in a hijab. I joined the Muslim students association which really wasn’t a big deal since I considered myself a Muslim since birth. My friend's brother was already in the MSA and was always pressuring her to come to the meetings and so I tagged along and soon enough I got swept up in being part of something. No not everyone was nice and warm and made me feel like I was in a family or something, but it was a vessel I used and I gained a type of brother and sister hood from these people. And though my struggle to become a better person and a Muslim started many years before, this was the environment I needed and gave me all the resources I was looking to explore. I realize now my worth, my purpose, and no I haven’t figure out everything yet but I have found direction and a reference for all my questions. I now know that I am beautiful, I'm not a sexual object, I’m not girlfriend material, and I am wife material. I deserve the respect far greater than I imagined I could command from people. I have always been a head strong stubborn independent feminist and to know that I was actually selling me short was ...profound. I've learnt not to be materialistic and that death has a way of snatching you right out of our brand names, luxury vehicles, and posh palaces. Then what? Our deeds and how we treat others in the world is the only thing we take with after death so make sure you are proud of these. I’ve also cured my ambition which was on the verge of tainting my character, and I’m working on being less shallow when it comes to appearances, being more humble in my dress. I always wanted a beautiful man which usually turns out to be beautiful idiots, but when you get old and the looks fade all that is left is an idiot and no one wants that. I'm still a horrible Muslim, but the difference now is that I know and I am working on changing my faults instead of accepting them and in some strange way being proud of them. I’m really just amazed at myself...started off the school year a music lover and now I find solace in the Quran, I started wanted a boyfriend and now I hold out for the respect of being someone’s wife, I started talking to myself in the security of night to figure out my problems and now I pray five times a day that my actions don’t weigh down my soul in the after life, I started the year looking for friends and I found sisters, I started with wearing shorts and end it being a hijabi, I started with looking for people like me and I found my Ummah ... only by the grace of Allah. Subhanallah

Al Sallamu Aleikum
Jazahkallah Khair

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Starbucks experiance

Stares towards the menu and utters an inaudible response "he..."
How are yo-"I would like a...Venti, half soy half breeve, no foam ,NO whip, 3 and 4/5ths pumps of sugar free vanilla, with only 1 shot of espresso, EXTRA hot to 180.... wait make that 2 and 5/8th pumps of sugar free vanilla instead, white chocolate mocha. AND a Grande latte with 6/4th of a pump of hazelnut, make that a venti and ohh can u make the first order with lactate instead and yeah...5/4th of hazelnut, 6/9th of a pump of sugar free vanilla and yeah make the hazelnut sugar free too and I don’t want ANY foam wait never mind I like it extra DRY, and make sure that its only 125 degrees I like it ready to drink, oh and extra shot of espresso please with No foam I hate foam and yeah make sure the first drink is foam less as well, Latté"
Panic...so you wanted a...looking for any familiar buttons on the till...yes... so you want a, can you please repeat that.
Annoyance glazes over facial expression and starts repeating everything to the Barista at the bar.
Eventually find the right buttons and find a brave smile
Tosses money over the counter while counting as if they are doing ME a favor.
Defensively lose my smile
Give them their correct change
Protests that I have made a mistake because of a claim that money that didn’t exist was given over to me
The customer is always right and I have to fill my till out of the tips bin because I don’t want to be blamed for coming up short.
Hi! Can I help the next person.....?
Already angry for having to wait in line so long.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Look, the moon in the sky
Its new again
I hear it singing Allah's praises through thine eyes
In throws of iman
My heart bursts in bloom
My laughter I owe to Allah(swt)