Welcome to my blog! This is my humbly small corner of the infinitely expansive internet. But I’ll try my darnest to keep my opinions objective and the facts genuinely displayed as they occur. I'm just an ordinary and everyday citizen in this crazy and lonely planet we call home and this blog will serve as an outlet for the busy thoughts in my mind . . . Whether anyone is out there listening or not. Its my first blog ever and I'm sure ill have plenty of misses’ but I'm positive with experience my blogging skills will only improve. So don't hesitate to state your opinion on my opinions and speak your mind. I want my blog to be a utopia of free speech and reason, I am an advocate of freedom even if those freedoms are exercised against me. I find I live a blessed life in a democratic nation where I have the civil liberty to state my opinions, and for the most part do as I see fit with my life . . . and I intend to do so. My intentions with this blog are to shine light in the dark and shadowed corners of the world where our fellow global citizens are unable fully vocalize their issues and concerns. We are well aware that there are a multitude of political regimes that suppress their citizens voices and oppress their people for power. Knowing this it would be irresponsible of me to not speak out for the people who are unable to speak at all and I believe we would have a more healthy society if everyone utilized their rights to voice their opinions. Therefore whenever I come across news that doesn't sit right with me I’ll be running off to my computer to express my stance on that unfortunate situation.